Past Events

1Million March For Children Counter Protest 

Join us September 20, 2023 to stand united with our 2SLGBTQIA+ Communities, and to counter protest the Edmonton “1 Million March 4 Children”.
We will have peacekeepers, community support workers, and an organizational presence to ensure the safety of those attending the event. Individuals or groups interested in countering this event must be aware of the risks involved. The groups and people organizing these hateful demonstrations have known affiliations with far-right movements and hate groups. Counter protesting does not come without risk, thus we will take as many steps as we can to ensure safety of the group. We will note that visibly queer and racialized individuals carry the most risk being near groups such as these as they have been known to be violent towards marginalized groups. With that being said, it is paramount that those who stand with us take steps to ensure their’s and other’s safety.
We are asking that attendees of our demonstration to not confront or engage with the hate groups
In their attempts to oppress our communities, they have made events based on misinformation, transphobia, hate and anti-2SLGBTQIA+ views. The misinformation and panic that they have been spreading has targeted 2SLGBTQIA+ youth within and outside of our Canadian school systems as they aim to remove health education, equity, and safe spaces.
As we continue to build a community rooted in inclusivity, equity, and diversity, it is of the utmost importance that we continue to recognize the oppression, violence and intergenerational trauma our communities have been faced with throughout history. Our mission is to transform a negative presence into a motive for change and evolution, and to unite and connect as a community, to empower, and support our 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and communities.
We also recognize the long term negative impacts of children who are raised in environments that don't encourage or empower them to be their authentic selves. It's of critical importance to create spaces that allow our youth to flourish in accepting and safe environments.

Main Event Page

Join us January 21st to stand united with our 2SLGBTQIA+ Communities, and Empower our 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth
Date: January 21, 2023
Time: 4:30 P.M
Location: Unitarian Church of Edmonton 10804-119 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 3P2

On January 21, 2023, join us at the Unitarian Church of Edmonton at 4:30 PM. We will be peacefully uniting by hold Signs of support and Pride flags, while we play Music and welcoming Youth, and those attending the Dragging Youths “New Beginnings: All Ages Drag Show”, which is a fundraiser for Dylan's Hope Foundation.
Our main focus is to create a safe, encouraging, united, empowering, welcoming, and transformative space for the Youth who are participating and attending the Event.
As we continue to build a community rooted in Inclusivity, equity, and diversity, it is of the utmost importance that we continue to recognize the oppression, violence and intergenerational trauma our communities have faced throughout history.
The New Beginnings: All Ages Drag Show has attracted the attention of individuals who have created a protest against the Dragging Youths fundraising event. Our mission is to transform a negative presence into a motive for change and evolution. In their desperate attempts to oppress our communities, they have made an event based on misinformation, transphobia, hate and anti-2SLGBTQIA+ views. The misinformation and backwards views that they have been spreading has targeted safe spaces for 2SLGBTQIA+ community members.
Our primary focus with our supportive demonstration is to create a safe and inclusive environment for our 2SLGBTQIA+ communities & youth, where people can express and be their true authentic selves as we come together and stand united as a community to counteract hate with empowerment, unity, and love. We will have peacekeepers, community support, and an organisational presence to ensure the safety of those attending the event.
We ask that for the safety of our communities, attendees of our demonstration of support do not confront or engage with the protesters who wish to target and oppress our community, but instead to shield their hate with love, and come to welcome our youth with signs of empowerment, and support.
Please dress accordingly to the weather, as we will be outside for a long period of time

Come and stand with us October 29, 2022.
We will be discussing, advocating, and educating our province about the policy passed by the UCP that targets, oppresses, and harms our 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth and communities.
Although the passed resolutions are not legislation currently, it is still deeply concerning.
Even if it is not in legislation, it is important that we stand up and push back against any policies that would seek to cause harm or oppress anyone in our communities.
In our provincial government’s annual general meeting, they discussed “Policy and Governance solutions', some of which regarded our Public Educations, 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth, and halting the Education of critical race theory, intersectionality, anti-racism, diversity and inclusion. The majority of policies being discussed were severely problematic, but only Resolution 17 was passed:
Resolution 17
a) ensure the protection and well-being of all children, alongside full respect for parents, legal guardians and caregivers, roles, responsibilities, rights, freedoms, and authority.
f) affirm the freedom of religion and conscience rights of parents and their children, ensuring the government does not interfere with the teaching and training of their children as such, including in matters with respect to identity, sexuality and morality.
g) uphold the rights of parents and caregivers so as not to require them to affirm or socially condition a child in a gender identity that is incongruent with the child's birth sex.
And the Rationale? Our UCP Government believes that the family unit is the basis of society in Alberta and that decisions regarding children should reside solely with the parents, legal guardians, and caregivers. Barring evidence of criminal neglect or abuse, we start with the assumption that parents are best suited to guide their child's development.
What does this mean for our 2SLGBTQIA+ youth?
This gives guardians the full power to exclude their children in learning about what it means to be allies to the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.
It gives guardians the power to restrict their child from receiving therapy, or other mental health/well being supports.
This gives our schools, and leaders who may have biassed opinions, the power to remove the safety and inclusion of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and youth from within Schools.
This also means that hostile, transphoblic, homophobic, and Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ Parents have full power over their children if they are Transgender, Gender fluid, and any child that is a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
Resolution 17, g, Gives parents the power to oppress, harm, and socially condition their children to be Anti-Gender Fluid, Transphobic, and non-inclusive.
This also gives Transphobic, and hostile parents to have full authority of their childs gender identity, that is “Incongruent with the childs birth sex”.
The UCP also discussed a Policy, which would have targeted our racialized communities. Even though policy 5 was not passed, it is still crucial that we discuss the profound impact of Systematic racism, and how dangerous this ideology is to our racialized communities.
Resolution 5
h) halt the practice of any student being taught that by reason of their ethnic heritage they are privileged, they are inherently racist or they bear historic guilt due to said ethnic heritage or that all of society is a racist system. Further any differential treatment practiced by any educator due to said ethnic heritage will be halted.Instruction of these concepts will not take place whether it is advanced under the title of so called critical race theory, intersectionality, anti-racism, diversity and inclusion or some other name.
And the rationale? In 2021, Edmonton media reported an anonymous student at Strathcona High School, on Instagram, objected to being subjected to what that student described as "anti-white tirades" in the classroom. The anonymous student went on to quote Martin Luther King and called for all students to be treated equally regardless of race. “The aims of our education system should be focused on teaching literacy, numeracy, and be skills and knowledge based”
Please come and stand with us October 29 at 1:00P.M, to participate in an Educational Rally, which will be advocating for the rights and freedoms of Albertan youth and people.
We will be featuring guest speakers, testimonial speeches, and so much more.
Our Rally will be taking place;
October 29, 2022.
1:00 PM GMT
Location: Alberta Legislature grounds
